This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. You must be 21+ years old to try Poise Impressa Bladder Supports. #LifeAfterLeaks #CollectiveBias
I have been wanting to put this post together for a little bit now, but life has been crazy so I’m sorry! Having a baby is absolutely amazing, however there are a few things that no one shares with you!
- The moment you hold that baby everything else that has happened through the day/night will go away and there is no moment like this in your entire life. Cherish it, it will leave you all too soon in the newborn exhaustion phase. Take a second and write it down, voice record it, anything. You will be so glad you did later so you can cherish that moment and hold on to it forever.
- Mastitis is real life and it is awful. I had mastitis seven times in the first 4 months nursing King. It compares to no other sickness like it. The flu has nothing on mastitis. If you start to feel not right, get on it! Call your doctor, explain what is going on, don’t tough it out. Mastitis very well could have been the death of me. I have never been sicker in my entire life. This was an ah-ha moment for me where I learned to rely on others and ask for help.
- Bladder Leakage. After you have a baby, things down there aren’t ever going to be the same, and that is okay because you have a little best friend now that makes it worth it all the time. You will now “leak” a little after you laugh, sneeze, jump on the tramp, really anything that has a forceful movement, or at least I do… Someone tell me I’m not the only one with this problem. However I will share a little secret with you about it… There is a solution now that is Poise Impressa Bladder Support Sizing Kits. Seriously people, I can dance my little heart out now with out a little warm feeling down my legs now. The sizing isn’t based on how much you leak, or how much you weigh, it is about the best internal fit for you. They are inserted like a tampon, you try size one, if you leak then you can go up a size, if not you are golden girl. Don’t be afraid to try them, seriously, they will save your legs from that leakage and warm feeling. They have changed my life and I have no shame! You can snag a coupon for the starter kit here, and see others opinions at the Social Hub because girl, you aren’t alone!
- You will wash more bottles, burp cloths, pajamas, blankets, everything more than you ever think you will and you will absolutely loathe doing the laundry. Laundry already isn’t my favorite thing, but when we had King we would do 4-5 loads a day… He did have severe reflux, but I still hear that you will do more laundry than you could ever dream of. Just be prepared.
- You can’t ever comprehend how much you will love your family and that baby until you have your own. You think you will, but trust me it is something that no one can explain to you. The bond between you, the baby, and your family will be something that you will have never experienced before. You will get this feeling of love that is indescribable. You will want to burst with love for that baby and your sweet family.You can snag yourPoise Impressa Bladder Support Sizing Kit at your local CVS Pharmacy!
Michelle says
You have SUCH an adorable baby. I love it! And yes, there are so many things that have changed. I’m glad you’ve found a feeding solution that works… and Poise Impressa, too #client