5 Things That Make Me More Productive
Lately I have been in a slump. If you follow me on Instagram you know that I have been having some postpartum depression and anxiety. While I have started taking a medication to help me, I also have been working really hard to make lifestyle changes that will also help me. I have a few things that I do that help me to be productive and to have a little bit more motivation because heaven knows that I am needing all the motivation I can get these days!
|| Wake Up Before My Littles ||
There is just something about waking up before King and Lettie that gives me a better day and more motivation. I don’t know if it is because I have time to think for a minute before I am needed or that I wake up and know I only have so much time before I am needed so I bust my butt to get things done. This doesn’t happen every morning, sometimes I sleep in and other times the kids wake up early. However, I do notice a huge difference in how motivated and productive I am when I don’t wake up before them so I try my best to beat them up even if its just 10 minutes.
|| Work Out ||
This is probably something that is on everyone’s list but it truly does help me especially if I do it in the morning. Even if I don’t ever make it out of my workout clothes, I am so much more productive. I feel like it gives me a little boost of energy and starts my morning off right. I also make way better food choices in the day when I work out first thing rather than working out at night so that is what I strive for.
|| Turn Notifications Off ||
This is something I did when I had Lettie and it has been life changing. I turned off all notifications on my phone except for phone calls. I feel like now I have control over my phone rather than my phone having control over me. I check it when I want to and am not distracted by it going off with a text message, Instagram DM, or anything else. I have realized that I am so much more present with my kids having them all turned off too.
|| Goal Setting ||
Every Sunday Zach and I sit down and go over our finances, schedules, and goals. Setting goals and saying them out loud to someone is game-changing. It helps to hold me accountable for getting things done. We have a big calendar in our hallway that we put all of our bill payments, calendar events, and goals on. Walking past them every day pushes me harder and reminds me of them so I can keep working toward them. It also helps me to have a purpose and something to work for during the week.
|| Planning My Day the Night Before ||
This is something I just recently started doing and I love it. I have an app on my phone called Any.Do and it is a to-do list app that lets you have repeating things on it. My cleaning schedule repeats itself weekly, my daily to-dos pop up every day, Lettie’s reflux medicine is on there, etc. Every night I look at the next days to-do list and go through it. What is realistic to get done the next day? If it isn’t realistic to get done I bump it to a different day. I also add things that have to get done the night before and it lets me have a little snapshot into how busy my day will be the next day and what to mentally prepare myself for too.
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