Chipmunk Cheeks…
Hello Friday! I can’t believe it is already Friday. Okay well I guess I can because I spent the week in bed. I am so glad to be feeling better and to be back and ready for action! I haven’t felt good for a few weeks and I am so sorry that I have been lacking here. I didn’t realize how sick I was feeling all the time until I finally feel better. I am super excited for the weekend since I am feeling better! (besides my super swollen chipmunk cheeks ha ha)
I die over this darling aztec top! Umm let me tell you a little secret about it! It is from Liam’s Loft and is only $9.99! Killer steal right!? It is the softest tee ever. The fit is perfection. I am so excited for warmer weather so I can wear this baby all spring and summer. I love fun tees that are casual, but still are fun and aren’t just a basic tee. Don’t get me wrong I love a good v-neck tee, but it’s good to mix it up every once and awhile. Also how perfect is this elephant necklace!? You know my sweet special needs brother has a massive love for elephants! He bought me this necklace and I absolutely love it. It is sheer perfection. I love that it can be worn with a patterned tee like this or layered with a simple v-neck.
I hope you all have an amazing weekend! I’m hoping this swelling in my face will magically disappear. Golf ball looking cheeks aren’t so cute lol. Wish me luck and have an amazing weekend!
Aztec Tee | Liam’s Loft c/o | Only $9.99! Snag it quick! They aren’t going to last long!
Jeans | Dittos | similar
Necklace | Forever 21
Bracelets | Apple of My Eye c/o
Shoes | Steve Madden | similar
Wow..the top is really good value for money!
That aztec top is so adorable, and I love the necklace. c:
gIRL you do not have chipmunk cheeks, you look beautiful!
Shane, Whispering Sweet Nothings
Marketing Assistant, Lush to Blush