My Busy Lunch Must Have
Shhh… first off here is a sneak peek of our kitchen! We will be moving in around 3 weeks give or take and we can’t wait!! We snuck in (not really we had permission) to shoot our living room so we snapped these there too while we were there so you get a little kitchen sneak peek!
We chatted yesterday about how busy our summer is, running here & there, vacations galore, and family time. With all of that going on, I often make King lunch, get him settled for a nap, and then forget to feed myself or I don’t know what to make because I don’t want to waist precious nap time on making lunch ha. I have learned very quickly that if I don’t eat something I am just setting myself up for failure. Last week when we went grocery shopping I found something that I am completely obsessing over and I am excited to share it with you so it can helpfully help your crazy busy days too!
I had never seen Tai Pei Single Serve Entrees before at the grocery store. They are found in the frozen food section, all you do is microwave them, let them cool a little bit, and enjoy. Now, that is my kind of lunch! I love to put one in the microwave as I am going to lay King down and then by the time I am done putting him down it is ready to go, the perfect temperature to eat, and I have something that I can quickly eat while I am working that is full of all the good stuff and all real ingredients. Winning right!?
When I go to the grocery store I love to grab enough for the week in different flavors. The rice is infused and oh so yummy. I am a rice girl through and through. Plus if I do say so myself their new packaging is spot on. This mama loves that they can now be made in the microwave because if it isn’t made in the microwave for lunch time I just put off eating until before I know it, it is time for dinner! Make sure you click here to snag a coupon for $1.00 on ONE (1) Tai Pei® Entrée (7.9 oz. or larger) or Appetizer!
I would love to hear what your secret weapon is when it comes to lunch time, keeping it interesting, and things that are quick to eat. I would love to try out some of the things that work the best for you!
Photos by Kelsie EmM Photography
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