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…shop our looks…
Holy Guacamole!! When did my baby turn to a toddler? I feel like because King is so big for his age that I lost some of my baby years with him. He is 21 months and everywhere we go we get asked if he is three or three and a half… I also feel like this makes people assume that developmentally that he should be farther than he is so it makes him appear more naughty than he is. He has been so good the past two days. Sleeping in his own bed all night since moving, saying please and thank you, playing instead of destroying ha. I just am not ready for him to be big yet. I want him to stay little forever…
I have been trying to soak it all in, trying so hard to not get in his way of being little. Letting him run around, be rambunctious, and just be a kid. I feel like people don’t let kids be kids anymore. They expect them to be tiny super behaved grown ups. I don’t want to take King’s childhood from him. I want him to take his superhero action figures with him to the store, only want to wear a Batman costume for days, and to run around. When did being a little kid become something that isn’t allowed anymore… When did it become okay to look at the mom at dinner struggling with her KID that is busy and tell her that she is disrupting everyone’s meal because she has KID with her… When did this all become an okay thing to do?
King buddy, I promise you that I will do my best to let you be a kid. I will set my clean freak aside the best I can and let you play and be dirty. I will look away from the dirty looks and let you run around (to a point of course). I promise as your mama to try my best. You’re only little once and for not long enough in my opinion. I love you sweet boy, be a boy, be a kid, and have fun. That is all that matters King man.
PS if you have bugs where you live, you have to get yourself a Buglet bracelet for your little one. Game changers babes, like seriously.
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