A Few Simple Ways to Give Yourself a Little Confidence Boost.
Don’t we all have those weeks where we haven’t showered in days, we can smell ourselves, your hair is so full of dry shampoo, and we just aren’t feeling our best. That is 90% of days for me and that is okay. I have really learned a few simple ways to boost my confidence, freshen myself up, and give myself a little boost. So many of us have busy lifestyles that keep us going, going, going. I feel like that is the world these days. I have really had to figure out what keeps me going when everything else seems hectic and I am excited to share a few of those things with you!
1 – My first biggest thing is to tell myself some positive affirmations every morning in the mirror. It may seem silly, but it starts me out thinking good things about myself from the get go. I say them out loud and work really hard to keep saying the same ones until I eventually believe it. Telling myself that I have patience, am beautiful, and that I can get through the hard times sets the tone for my day first thing in the morning.
2 – Getting myself ready everyday. Yes I have those days every now and then that we stay in p.j.’s all day long, but I have found when I don’t get ready I am so much more unproductive. I am more lazy and tired through out the whole day. I work really hard to put a little makeup on, do my hair some-what, and to make sure I am smelling good in case I run into someone I know. I miss showers more often than I would like to admit so putting on some deodorant every day and putting on my favorite smell Britney Spears fantasy IN BLOOM is what makes me feel refreshed and like I haven’t been a mess for the past few days. Seriously I haven’t found a scent that I love as much as this in a really long time. It is a fresh, light, floral smell that makes me feel like I am smelling amazing, and ready to conquer the day. It is vibrant and feminine and seriously helps me to conquer my day.
3 – Take a minute for myself during the morning. It doesn’t matter if King is awake or not, I take a minute for me whether it is reading for a second, scrolling through Instagram, or even working out. I take some time to do something that I want to do. This recharges me to get my day going and know that I had a minute of me time. I never take longer than 10 minutes (in the morning), but taking care of myself and doing something for me helps me to remember that I am a priority too.
4 – While King eats breakfast if I can or when he goes down for his morning nap I like to write a list of things I want/need to accomplish that day. Some days the list is forever long, other days it is really short. I even write things down like play with King, make lunch, etc. Crossing things off of my list helps me to feel like I have had some purpose in my day and it makes me feel accomplished.
5 – Before I go anywhere whether it be errands or date night, I give myself one last tiny spray of my fantasy IN BLOOM (you can snag it at Kohls!) and put on a little lipstick or gloss. I feel confident, taken care of, and like I am somewhat put together for a minute. I usually am running like a crazy person through the house to get us out the door so even if I have to stick my fragrance and lipstick in my diaper bag and do it in the car I make sure that I am feeling good about myself before I run errands/leave the house and it helps me to be more productive.
What are your go to things that you do to help you feel more confident and be more productive in the mornings? I would love to know what works for you and implement them into my mornings!
Photos by Kelsie EmM Photography
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