Pink Blush Maternity Floral Tunic and Fleece Lined Leggings c/o // LuLu*s Booties – similar c/o // Apple of My Eye Jewelry Necklace c/o
Photography by RS Photography and Design // Facebook // Instagram
I hope you are having a good week! I swear nesting has set in for this girl… I am 31 weeks and have the urge to clean out everything. I absolutely love to organize, not so much clean though… Yesterday I cleaned out my entire craft room and am hoping to turn it into more of an office rather than my “office” being my bed lol. I can’t wait for this little guy to get here. He has been flipping full circles in my belly the last few weeks and I love watching him turn all the way around from the outside. It’s crazy how I can feel even the tiniest of movements from him. I love him so much already and can’t wait for him to be here! It’s going to be here before I know it! Halloween, Baby Shower, Thanksgiving, BABY/Christmas!! I’m hoping he decides to make an early arrival rather than on Christmas with my due date being December 23rd. XO
Christina Storm says
Great photos! You look beautiful!
The Style Storm
<3, Christina