Dear sweet King,
Being your mom is so fun, but it also is so hard. You keep me on my toes constantly, always trying to be one step ahead of you. Your snuggles and kisses keep the hard moments easier. The way you yell ma ma ma ma when you don’t know it is me always keeps me giggling. You love your dad more than anything. You always want to play outside and try to escape to play outside constantly. I always strive to do my best to be the best mom I can be to you. I try so hard to try to take care of you the very best of my ability. I want to share a few promises that I am promising myself and you that I will always do the very best that I can.
King, I promise to always do my best to feed you so you can grow big and strong. Yes, sometimes we will have delicious cheese burgers, french fries, and shakes, but I do promise to do my best to also feed you healthy foods. I promise to make sure you always have food in your tummy when you are hungry, and to make sure you try all of the best treats like Girl Scout Cookies, Shakes, Peppermint Oreos, etc.
Sweet boy, I promise to alway take time to play with you. I am always going to say yes to playing no matter what I am doing. The time that I play with you will be time I can never get back. It doesn’t matter how busy I am or what I am doing, I promise you that if you ask me to play, I will always be right there playing with you.
Buddy boy, I promise that I will always let you be adventurous and let you try new things even though they scare me. You are adventurous by nature and I promise to try to embrace that and to be there when you fall and help you back up. I promise to love you through the falls, scary times, and the victories.
Stinker boy, I promise to always take in your sweet smiles and your traits that make you, you. The screams because you are impatient, the tears because you are stubborn and don’t get exactly what you want, the silly face that you do as soon as I say “Show them your….” even though you don’t let me finish what I am saying. The way you climb on top of everything and are so proud of yourself like you have climbed the biggest mountain. Even though some of those times are so hard at the moment, they are the moments that make you the little stinker boy that I love. When I see those sweet blue eyes, I am reminded of those sweet promises that I have made you and strive to truly try my best.
Kingster, I promise to always let you run and play. Even though it is so hard to let you be a fee spirit, I promise to do my best to not hold you back. I promise to let you giggle and run and try to tone my must have control personality down so you can have fun and be a kid.
Little man, I promise to always use the best products that I can for you. I promise to make sure that I am truly using products I love and that will help you to be able to let you have fun, run around, and be the best little boy that you can be.
Gansta Kingsta, I promise most of all to always love you unconditionally. I promise to always be there for you, and to listen when you need me to. I promise that I will always give you kisses, loves, and chats when you need them. I promise that I will always be there when you fall and help to pick you back up. I love you so much King boy, and I am so grateful to be your momma!
Thank you Pampers for sponsoring this post and helping me to love and make promises to King. We love the Pampers Premium line and I love knowing that I am giving King the best that I can. 5 Star diapers, yes please. They are breathable inside & out, which helps me to know that I am giving King the best that I can and keeping my promises to him.
You can pick up your Premium Pampers at Walmart, they are in the white box with the 5 star skin care.
Photos by Ashley McFarlane
*Sponsored by Pampers & Walmart*
Lindsay says
I’m in love with this post! you’re an awesome mom. 😉
Dani Marie Krum says
Oh sweet Lindsay. Thank you so much. It is truly so kind of you to take the time to get on, read my post, and most of all comment. It means more to me than you will ever know. Thank you so much babe!
sisilalala says
So cute and the smile is so sweet!