sweater | jeans | balloon
… shop the post …
batman doll | john deere tractor trailer set | cat tractors | horses
… shop kings favorite things …
Oh sweet King boy, where even to begin. I can’t tell you enough how much I love you! How much happiness and joy you bring to my life. You are getting so big and while it is so fun to watch you grow and learn new things, I want time to slow down. I want you to stay little forever where everything is magical and happiness almost always. Where a tractor with a trailer fixes everything. You have a strong personality and are super stubborn (hmm…wonder where you got that from…). You know how you want things and you won’t settle for less. You also won’t do anything that you don’t want to do. You love to laugh and giggle always and be with your daddy. Daddy makes your world go round. You love to play with him, wrestle with him, and you have him wrapped around your little finger.
You are obsessed with tractors that have trailers. Don’t even think about giving you one that doesn’t have a trailer on it… Mom searches and searches for tractors with trailers. You also only want to wear Batman clothes. You love Batman because you watch Uncle Matt and it makes mama’s heart burst. Gigi (your monster you sleep with) is what you always ask for when you are sad, scared, or hurt. You turn her upside down and rub the bottom corner back and forth on your nose and it makes everything a little bit better. You could eat treats all day every day and mom struggles with you eating healthy. You still nap 2 times a day and love to sleep like mama. Bath time with tractors and bubbles is your favorite. You love to load the bubbles into your tractors and dump them out on the ledge of the tub.
King man, you are the biggest joy in my life, my greatest blessing, and my best friend. I am so grateful to be your mommy and to learn and grow from you so much every single day. Thank you for choosing our family to come to, thank you for loving me, and thank you for being my little boy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY buddy!! I sure love you!!
Photos by Kelsie Emm Photography
Kelsie says
You are such a good mama girl! I love this letter to him and I’m sure he will appreciate to when he is older 🙂