/ / / KING UPDATE \ \ \
Diapers from Bambo Nature
King has been growing up so quickly lately. He has hit so many new milestones and things that I want to remember so I figured I might as well share them here so I can look back and remember them. He has become quite the little jokester and is super headstrong like his mama. He makes me laugh all day long all while making my head spin around trying to keep him out of everything. So, here are a few things that I love about my sweet King man.
Everything that he says now is “what’s that??” He wants to know what everything is and I love that he is so curious and wanting to learn so many different things.
Every time that he sees a picture of himself he yells “it’s King!” It is one of my most favorite things.
All day every day he want’s to shovel. All I hear is “I wanna shobel, mamaaaa I wanna shobel” he loves to go and be outside to shovel alllllll the time.
Sharing is one of his absolutely favorite things, like to the point that I call him an aggressive sharer. He gets angry if you don’t take what he wants to share with you.
He still wants to wear Batman all day every day. Every time I ask him what he wants to wear he says Batman. I love that he loves Batman so much.
Whenever he wants out of something like going to bed, eating his dinner, etc. he asks to say a prayer. It cracks me up and is the sweetest thing all at once.
He is obsessed with his daddy, to the point where he asks for daddy all day, pushes me away and says “no! daddy!”. I love that he loves his daddy so much.
His new thing is he wants to wear a “hat” and go bike. I wish it was warmer because he would be so funny to watch bike!
We sure love you sweet King man, thank you for bringing so much happiness and love into our house!! We are so grateful that our family is the family that you were sent to. XX
Photos by Kelsie EmM Photography
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