Sometimes a date night just isn’t in the cards to go out, but that doesn’t mean that a date night shouldn’t happen! Sometimes you just need to do what you need to do to have one at home. We are obsessed with having a movie night at home after we put King man to sleep. Whether we watch Netflix, Hulu, or a movie we love to just spend time together snuggled up on the couch, our big bowl of popcorn, watching our favorite show just the two of us. Date nights don’t have to be anything big and crazy, they can be simple and often times those are my favorite ones.
We are re-doing our home when we move and I have been really thinking about what I want it to be, the things I want it to reflect, and the look I want. I have decided that I want our living room comfy and cozy. Knitted blankets, fluffy cozy pillows, a modern couch, and the perfect place for us to snuggle up and have our date night! I wanted to share with you some of my date night in essentials from Wayfair that I am so excited to snag when our home is done…
What are your favorite date nights for in? What are your go to things that you have? You cans shop my date night essentials below! XX
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