My Goals for 2019 and how I Stay Organized
I love the New Year and setting goals that I can work toward. I am a very write it down kind of person and love spending time before the New Year starts writing down things that I want to work on. Generally for myself personally I write down one word that I want to focus on the upcoming year so I have one thing to truly dive deep into and really focus on. This year my word is intention.
My Business Goals for 2019
For my business I write down concrete goals that can be measured. Setting goals with my business helps me to always push forward, think ahead, and to challenge myself. I want to always make sure that I am moving forward in not only my life personally but also with my business, this helps me to have something to work towards and to take things here in the direction that I want them to go. While I don’t feel comfortable sharing numbers, here are some of my business goals this year:
1 – Increase my monthly page views.
2 – Always have intent and purpose with the content that I share. I want it to help someone either learn something, uplift them, or help them to feel better about themselves. When you come to my Instagram or website you are taking time away from something else and I want to make sure that what I am sharing is worth you taking the time away from other things.
3 – Share products that I am wearing & we are loving more frequently so you guys don’t have to ask as frequently and have it be easily accessible for you to find.
4 – Increase my income to not be living paycheck to paycheck but also not over do it on sponsored posts.
5 – Check in and continue to build a relationship with you. You are what makes this business of mine go around. I want to make sure that I am helping to give you what you are looking for, solve a problem you have, somewhere you can go to as a resource, be inspired or even just as a place to escape for a minute.
How to Stay Organized in 2019
I get asked a lot what I do to keep everything organized and I am kind of a crazy person with everything that I use but it works for me and keeps me knowing what I need to be doing and where I need to be. I use a few different things and they all serve a different person for me. Like I said at the beginning of this post I am a person who needs to write things down. First I write everything down in my paper planner. I use an Erin Condren Life planner and love it. I was able to customize it to fit my needs and I love a horizontal planner so being able to make it that way is game changing to me. It has plenty of space to write down my personal things and my business stuff. I write everything down in here from things I need to do like vacuum, preschool snacks, deadlines, etc. After it is in my paper planner I put it in my Google Calendar so my phone will alert me to what I have going on and I don’t forget. Being able to access my calendar on my phone no matter where I am is something that has been life changing to me. Often times my phone will go off with a notification and remind me to be somewhere that I completely forgot I was supposed to be. My assistant puts all of my sponsored content and business tasks in an online program called ASANA also. In there I can assign different tasks to different people and she puts down everything I need to know about the content that I am creating for that post from the hashtags that need to be used to my idea behind the post that I am putting up. Having all my sponsored content in one place has been something that has saved so much time for me because I don’t have to search and search for requirements and things anymore.
We also have a big calendar in our kitchen/when you walk in from our garage that has our weekly & monthly goals on it and any appointments or family activities that we have on it. Having this where everyone can see it and we can check in quickly through out the day or when we are running out the door has been so good for our family.
I think what it all comes down to is finding a solution that works for you. Whether it is writing on sticky notes and sticking them on the back door so you see them when you leave or using 4 different calendars like I do. All that really matters is that whatever you do is something that makes sense to you and your family!
susie liberatore says
Love your business goal. I am looking into this planner you are talking about thanks!!