My Take on New Years Resolutions
Everyone sets New Years goals and resolutions right? I have been a person who always has as well or have given my year a “word”. This year instead of doing that I wanted to do something different with setting my intention and then working backwards from my intention to the things that I need to do to accomplish it. I wanted there to be a bigger purpose to the things that I wanted to do, a bigger reason or why to them.
I knew I wanted time to do this, it wasn’t something I wanted to rush through and just do it to mark if off my list. I turned on some soft music. I prayed asking for guidance of what I am supposed to be doing. I sat down and wrote a few ways I wanted to feel or that I wanted my life to look like. I sat uncomfortable, I let thoughts come in and out of my mind without any judgement, I just was.
I’m honestly still working on my list, the things of my life I want to look differently or to change my perspective on and I hope it is always something that I continue to write about, work on, take inventory of, etc.
Every Sunday night when I sit down to work on my weekly schedule, meal plan, go over my to-do’s for the week, etc. I go over my lists of what I want, my perspective shifts, etc. This helps me to plan my week with them in mind making sure I carve out time for the things that I am really desiring rather than wanting them and letting them pass by unintentionally.
Here is an example of two of mine:
Resetting My Perspective Daily
* The things below are things I do that I know make a difference in my ability to reset my perspective.
- Start essential oil diffuser (you can read more about getting started with oils here)
- Connect with God – Scripture Study & Prayer
- Exercise
- Gratitude Practice
- Breathing in Moments
- Setting an Intention in the Morning
More Connections/Stronger Connections
- Text one friend/family member daily just because
- Take time to respond to calls & messages
- Pray for people by name &/or circumstance
- Plan girls night activity monthly
- Be in tune with my promptings/feelings
- Make connecting with God my first priority
- Create more intentional time with Zach
I would love to hear if this helps you in setting intentions and being able to map out a way that you can accomplish them. I have been working on my lists of things to reset my perspective and make more/stronger connections for a few days now and having concrete ways I’m going to work on each thing has been game changing.
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