The weather here has been dreary… It has been cold, stormy, grey skies, rain, etc. Mother nature truly tricked us by giving us spring for two weeks and then bringing back the cold. Sometimes I feel like in life I have break downs… My life is too much, I say yes to way to many things, I worry about disappointing people in saying no to them or that I have too much on my plate. I had a huge breakdown yesterday and and a big realization that when I am saying yes to other people, I am saying no to myself. I am telling myself that everyone else is way more important than I am. I am saying yes to everyone but myself and my family. I am done saying yes. I am going to sit and go through what is best for me and my little family before I say yes. I am going to make sure that I am putting myself and my family first. Life is too short to not make myself happy and put my family as a priority. I am important and I matter. My family is important and they matter. I am done putting myself and my family second. So babe, if you are in the same point in your life, you matter, you are important, you deserve to put yourself and your family first. Love you babe. Thanks so much for being on this crazy journey with me!
Sweater | Jeans | Fawn Design Bag | Rain Boots
King | Flannel | Jeans | Boots | Bib
Photos by Emmy Lowe
Brittani Marie Cardoso says
I have been thinking about you the past couple days because I haven’t seen you on periscope much and I haven’t heard back from you yet. Please know that you can respond to my email by just saying no. Or better yet, don’t respond at all if it’s not good timing for you and your sweet fam! Thanks for the reminder that it’s okay to say no. Family matters most and if we as mamas aren’t happy, nobody around us will be! I hope today is better for you. Love you lady! Also, these pictures are adorable & I’m so sad about the Utah weather after those short weeks of sunshine and warmth. Bring back the sun!