Tacky Tee Shirts?? + Ah-Mazing Makeup Review + Day 8 Giveaway = Amazing Blog Post!
Tee | Skip ‘N Whistle c/o
Cardigan | American Eagle {old}
Jeans | Dittos
Scarf | Sole Society c/o
Boots | Target
Okay have you ever heard of Younique makeup?? I hadn’t either, but man it will change your life! The pigment in their eye shadows is impeccable! It takes very little product to give you the color you are going for on your eyes. I was so amazed by how little of product I had to use for such remarkable results! But my favorite product from them?? Would have to be their lip gloss! I love that it has a mirror on the outside for when you are not somewhere that there is a mirror easily accessible. There are so many pretty colors and it glides right on. It makes your lips so soft and luscious, while keeping that beautiful color for hours. Trust me girls, you need this in your stocking! Send the links below to your special someone whether it be Santa, your mom, your husband, or event the neighbor and tell them that this is what you want for Christmas! You will not regret it!!
Eye Pigment | Curious c/o
Lip Gloss | Livid c/o
Olivia Kyle says
Since I’m currently pregnant, the swing dresses are calling my name.
Liberty Thompson says
I would love to put the gift card towards the Oasis Seqin wrap dress for Christmas parties!
Brenna Rea says
i love ASOS and would love the giftcard!
Colleen Boudreau says
I love the Oh My Love Mini Dress with Cami Straps.
Jasmine Thomas says
I love the Velvet Peg Pant In Tie Dye and the Oasis Knitted Zebra Top! Thank you for the chance!
Vicki Wilde says
I’m all about this “tacky” tee. Though I think it’s totally cute. I love ASOS and could definitely use a party dress from there, too many good choices to pick just one!
<3 Vicki
Cece says
I love the black and white striped blazer. I want it!!
Courtney Bella says
i love this tulip dress http://us.asos.com/ASOS-Star-Sequin-Tulip-Dress/11nwi7/?iid=3301605&cid=16841&sh=0&pge=0&pgesize=36&sort=-1&clr=Black&mporgp=L0FTT1MvQVNPUy1TdGFyLVNlcXVpbi1UdWxpcC1EcmVzcy9Qcm9kLw..
Jasmine Thomas says
I absolutely love the River Island Floral Dolman Sweat (http://us.asos.com/River-Island-Floral-Dolman-Sweater/11wcdk/?iid=3574907&cid=11321&sh=0&pge=3&pgesize=36&sort=-1&clr=Cream++multi&mporgp=L1JpdmVyLUlzbGFuZC9SaXZlci1Jc2xhbmQtRmxvcmFsLURvbG1hbi1Td2VhdC9Qcm9kLw..) and the Pop Boutique Breton Stripe Knit Sweater (http://us.asos.com/Pop-Boutique-Breton-Stripe-Knit-Sweater/11br42/?iid=3309512&cid=2637&sh=0&pge=2&pgesize=36&sort=-1&clr=Navy%2fcream&mporgp=L1BvcC1Cb3V0aXF1ZS9Qb3AtQm91dGlxdWUtQnJldG9uLVN0cmlwZS1Lbml0LUp1bXBlci9Qcm9kLw.. )! Thank you for the chance!
Jenny Patton says
I like the Oasis Sequin wrap dress, I don’t have many dressy dresses at all, probably 4 in my whole closet!