First Day of Preschool for King
I wish that I could say that these cute pictures were how King’s first day of preschool went…but it was really far from it. We were able to send him a year early for the preschool that we put him in because the class wasn’t full and he was potty trained (well then he was). I hadn’t planned on him going to preschool this year and actually just had him on the waiting list for next year when I received an email stating he could come if I wanted him to. This little boy I knew needed the social aspect of preschool so I enrolled him and got started. I talked it up for a couple weeks with all the fun things that he would get to do on his first day of preschool, meet new friends, do activities, have snacks, and all the things.
The first day of preschool came and he got ready in a jiffy! He was so excited, he even let me take the cutest first day of preschool pictures of him on the porch. We pulled up to preschool and instantly he started to cry… we had talked about that I was going to leave him and then come right back and he would play with his friends, make fun crafts, and have a snack then I would come back to get him. King has never ever cared to be left with people before so I didn’t see this coming. I walked him in and he cried and cried while clinging on to me. I instantly thought to myself “what am I doing making him come here” and then I had the thought “the hardest things for parents are often times the best things for your kids”. He needed preschool, the social aspect, the routine, all of it. I wasn’t forcing him to stay to be mean, I was having him stay to better himself. I told him I loved him, told him we can do hard things, and then walked out the doors crying myself. He ran to the glass door, banging and trying to get out to the point they had to lock the door all while I watched bawling from my car. This lasted for over a month. I would talk with his teacher and ask her if this wasn’t for him and she told me that he needs it more than any other kid in his class and pulling him out will just teach him that when we throw fits and don’t want to do something we don’t have to and mom will just pull you out.
Now 5 months later he runs into preschool on his own waves bye and tells me he will see me soon. His behaviors are far from perfect but I watch how much he has grown from such a short time and in doing something that is hard. He has so many friends at school (and of course a few that he fights with) and I know that going through that really rough patch was so good for both of us. We both grew a ton from it, were bettered, and came out on top of the situation.
Finding and choosing a preschool for your little can be so hard. As a parent I want somewhere that has recommendations, that is tried and true, and that will really teach my littles the values that I want them to learn. I researched a lot while looking at preschools in our area and here are a few things about finding a school for your little that was super important to me.
– I started by researching online and making a list of schools in our area. Then I would search the specific school and read review after review.
– I asked parents that live near me and near the school I was looking into what their opinion on it was or what they had heard about it.
– I visited Facebook Pages to see what others were writing and saying, if they shared photos of the kids that attend, etc.
– I called and talked with the school, did a tour, etc.
– Zach and I sat down and went through the options together and picked what we felt was best for King and our family.
In my searching I also came across KinderCare and while there isn’t one local to me I was really impressed. They are a nation wide school which is why I wanted to share about them with you. I really researched them, their core values, and what they provide for children at their schools. They have 1400 locations across America so there might be one by you for you to research and see if it is a fit for you and your family. I love that in researching I could tell that they had really dynamic teachers which is something important to me. Their goal is for the families of the children that attend there to see them flourish. Who doesn’t want to watch their child flourish!? Isn’t that the reason that we are sending them to school. I love that they want you to see that in your littles and work with them to help them to achieve that. They really work to instill confidence in children and that is one of my biggest goals with King. I want him to know how great he is, to feel confident in answering questions, meeting new people, etc. They want these children to build confidence for life! How amazing is that, not just to teach them to be confident in this phase of life they are in, but to learn skills that will help them to be confident forever!
If you are looking for a school for your little research KinderCare and see if it is a fit for your family and your little. If there was one near us that is where King would be going. Having confidence instilled in your little for life is something that can’t be beat if you ask me!
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