I get asked for some reason all the time to know our schedule/routine and I’m not sure why ha, our life isn’t very exciting at all if you ask me. However, you ask and I am here with the post! We try to stick to a routine, but life happens so it doesn’t always stay exactly like this, but here we go!
7:00 – I wake up and try to get some work done or work out before King wakes up. I mostly try to get a workout in because I feel so much better when I work out, but if I am swamped with work then I have to get some of that done too.
7:45-8:15 – King wakes up, he likes to have some down time when he wakes up so I turn on a show for him while I start making what he asks for that morning for breakfast. He generally picks cereal or eggs. I try to eat eggs with mushrooms and spinach every morning, or I have Bob’s Redmill yummy microwave oatmeal with some strawberries, raspberries, & bananas in it.
9:00 – We play “chase” while I try to get King dressed and ready for the day. After he is ready I pick up breakfast (he is a snacker so I try to leave his out for a little while so he can eat it for awhile) and pick up the house, start a load of laundry, etc.
10:30-11:00 – King goes down for a nap. I give him his darling Whisbear that plays white noise for him to fall asleep to. I love that it has settings so it will play the white noise when they start to cry with its CRY Sensor. He loves it and it is his favorite thing to run and grab (along with GiGi his monster that he can’t live without) and he runs to his bed with a sippy cup of water. I love his Whisbear because we can take it on the go, it has magnets in its “paws” so it can hook on to carseats, strollers, etc. which makes it perfect for our busy lifestyle. (If you are interested in one you can snag it on Amazon now here)
11:00-1:15ish – King sleeps and I work. I answer emails, write blog posts, resize photos, do social media content, etc. This is my only time in the day I get to work so I try really hard to work efficently and smart. I have a to-do list and move down it marking things off so I can keep on track. I play a good Pandora radio station (hello Summer hits of the 2000’s) and just work.
1:15ish – King wakes up and we have lunch. We generally have brown rice with zucchini, yellow squash, and chicken in it. We top it with garlic salt and fetta cheese and it is something super easy to make in the microwave. King eats it up and so do I!
2:00 – We try to leave the house once a day. Sometimes it is photo shoots, other times it is meetings, but most of the time it is going to get a Dirty Diet Coke and a cookie then off to the park or somewhere if it is warm outside.
4:00ish – We generally get home and start figuring out what we are going to eat for dinner. King plays Lego’s and I try to also pick up really quick before Zach gets home from work.
5:00 – King helps me (sometimes) make dinner. Sometimes it is driving to get take out, other times it is making something at home. I try to let him help to stir and such so he feels a part and feels important, but I am not always the best at it.
5:40 – Zach gets home from work and we try to sit down and eat dinner as a family depending on what we both have going on. It is something so important to me to try to eat as a family, talk about our days, and to just have that time together.
7:15 – We play together as a family. If I have a lot of work to do then sometimes I go and work while King and Zach play.
8:00 – Zach does bedtime with King. King takes a bath, jammies on, milk and water to go to bed and we say prayers and King gets to watch 7 minutes of a show with Zach in bed. I come in for prayers, but while King baths and such I work.
11:30-12:00 – I generally work from 8:00 when Zach starts bedtime all the way until generally 11:30. Sometimes it is earlier, other times later depending on what deadlines I have and such. I try to do most of my work once King goes to bed so he doesn’t miss out on time with me and I don’t miss out on playing with him.
Our days aren’t too exciting, they are pretty much the same every day, but that is okay and we are great with it!
Photos by Kelsie EmM Photography
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