Why I Started Blogging…
One of the questions that I am asked the most is how I got into blogging and why I started it all. It is something that has grown to be a part of me and something that I love like it is my child. I have poured my heart, soul, time, sweat, tears, and so much more into this little space that I have on the internet and I’m excited to share with you my entire purpose behind it.
Let’s start at the beginning though shall we? I was newly married (6 months to be exact) and Zach (my husband) was called to a really time consuming calling in our church where he was gone multiple nights a week and on Sundays. We were trying to have a baby and going through infertility and so I had a lot of time on my hands. I needed something that was getting my mind off of being alone, not being pregnant, and so much more.
When I first started talking about starting a blog it was solely for filling my time. Then I started to truly realize my “why” behind the reason that I started it all. Let’s back up a little bit, always growing up I have had really low self confidence. I worried about what people were thinking about me at all times, if I said something that had hurt their feelings, replayed conversations in my head over and over again, etc. It has always been something that I have wanted to change about myself. I wanted to be happy, confident person that didn’t worry about what someone else thought of me. I wanted to learn to take it when someone had something mean to me, to learn to stand on my own two feet, and to know the person that I am.
I started this blog to fulfill the creative side of me, to fill my time, and to help me to become a better person. That was always my why, my message that I want to share and help others to feel. I want you to be confident in your own skin, to stand on your own two feet and to love the person that you are. I want you to know you aren’t alone in whatever you are going through, that there is someone else out there that understands.
This space on the internet was never meant to make money and it has just been a bonus that I am able to help support my family. However, the money will never take my message away from me, it will never take precedence over the true reason that I am here and I hope that you always can feel that on my feed. I am here to be authentic, to be honest and truthful, and to be someone that you can always trust and I hope that is the feelings that you get from being here at my space.
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